Stair Lifts

Startup Costs: $50,000 - $100,000
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Are you searching for a unique and interesting business opportunity that has little competition and the potential to make $100,000 per year or more in profits? If so, perhaps you should consider starting a business that sells and installs specialty stair lift chairs. There are many worldwide manufacturers of stair lifts, so finding a wholesale source should not be difficult. Market the stair lifts using all traditional advertising mediums, as well as by establishing alliances with custom homebuilders and renovation contractors to act as sales agents for the product. Be sure to design a stair lift display that highlights the beneficial features of the product. The display can be set up and used as a sales and marketing tool to collect sales leads from potential customers at home and garden trade shows.

Stair Lifts Ideas

Wood Furniture Refinishing

Make that old furniture you love look like new again, or build a new piece altogether.

Interior Design

Play with colors, shapes, lighting and fabrics. Design creative indoor spaces that fit your clients' needs.

Residential Cleaning

You'll clean up while making homes spotless with a residential cleaning business.

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